Безжичните меш мрежи го менуваат изгледот на светот

Замислете дека процесот на гласање на државно ниво е префрлен на интернет. И замислете дека се организира референдум во одреден дел од државата, а на државата ставот на мнозинството не ѝ одговара, па решава да ја искористи својата моќ и го оневозможува пристапот на луѓето од тој регион до веб-страницата за гласање. Не е ова сценарио излезено од „Black mirror“ – ова навистина се има случено.

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A Monitoring System for Edge Infrastructures

The Guifi.net network has grown over the past 15 years as a technological, social and economic project to provide Internet access nowadays to more than 80.000 people. This infrastructure was initially built with WiFi radio connections and, nowadays, also employs fibre optic links to reach thousands of households. The monitoring system currently in place is lagging behind the network evolution, requiring manual intervention and exposing a number of single points of failure.

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Cambridge Experience

University of Cambridge is supposed to be one of the best universities in the world. As of 2020, Cambridge is ranked the world's third best university by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Personally, my experience at Cambridge was extraordinarily rewarding, and I have fond memories of my supervisors, colleagues, and moments of leisure by the gorgeous River Cam. The feeling of studying at the same university where Isaac Newton, Alan Turing and Stephen Hawking lived accompanied me for several months. This post is about my experience of living and studying at Cambridge.

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