Master in Gender Responsive Budgeting


Short Info: The project’s aim is to develop the capacities of higher education institutions in offering Master in Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB). Moreover it aims at developing open innovative educational resources, structures and capacities as bases for joint Master studies in GRB.

Start: 01.09.2020

End: 31.12.2022

Project Reference: 2020-1- MK01- KA203- 077932

EU Grant: 151 195 EUR

Programme:  Erasmus+

Key Action:  KA203 (Strategic partnership in the area of Higher Education)

Action Type:  Strategic Partnerships for higher education

Coordinator: South East European University (North Macedonia)

Partners: Novi Sad School of Business (Serbia), Center for Research and Policy Making-CRPM (North Macedonia), Gender Knowledge Hub (Serbia), Forderinnen der Plattform 2000frauen (Austria).

SEEU contact person: Agron Rustemi 

Other staff engaged: Memet Memeti, Merita Zulfiu Alili, Shpresa Alija, Abdulla Azizi, Fatime Hasani. Vullnet Besimi, Besa Kadriu.

Requested expertise (topics): gender responsive budgeting, master studies, education

Project webpage: