Strengthening university autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities

Short Info: STAND project aims to improve the processes and mechanisms of university autonomy by increasing the management capacities, accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities. The project will support reflecting on standards at EU partners and enhancing them at WB institutions through intensified regular academic and management exchange of good practice and sustainable networking between EU-WB partners.

Start: 15.01.2021

End: 14.01.2024

Project Reference: 618805-EPP-1-2020-1-XK-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

EU Grant: 999 081 EUR

Programme:  Erasmus+

Key Action:  Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Action Type:  Capacity Building in the field of higher education

Coordinator: International Business College Mitrovica

Partners: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” (Kosovo), Gjilan Public University “Kadri Zeka” (Kosovo), University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj (Kosovo), University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani” (Kosovo), POLIS University (Albania), University of Tirana (Albania), University Aleksandër Moisiu Durrës (Albania), University of Montenegro (Montenegro), Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (Kosovo), Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth (Albania), Ministry of Education (Montenegro), University of Hamburg (Germany), University of Zagreb (Croatia), University of Foggia (Italy), South East European University (Republic of North Macedonia), European University Association (Belgium)

SEEU contact person: Besa Arifi 

Other staff engaged: Memet Memeti, Albulena Halili, Irena Gjerasimovska

Project webpage:

Project outputs


Enhanced human, technical and organizational capacities in the governance and financial accountability-contributes to the capacity building of the staff and infrastructure capacities through WP3 and WP5. WP5 provides technical expertise and training on the use of university management software.

And the WP3 is a strongly mobility-oriented, with all the staff from the partner countries realizing visits to the programme countries. The WP3.2 also foresee the establishment of expert network that provides advices in the improvement of university governance to all HEIs in Western Balkan.


Upgraded national and university regulations will contribute to the second objective. It corresponds with WP4 that includes a Workshops on University Autonomy regulations in Kosovo, Albania, and Montenegro (WP4.1) and the update of the university statues and university rules and regulations A4.2 and A4.3). All WB partners will prepare the set of updated regulations, statutes and other documents using previous experiences that were already well-developed with the newly gained experience in the previous project phases, workshops and study visits.


Harmonized practices between HEIs and relevant ministries using the example of EU partners and upgraded University regulation will contribute to the second objective and also corresponds with WP3 and WP4.



Disseminated and exploited project results to wider audiences will contribute to the fourth and fifth objectives- to promote achievements of university autonomies and knowledge exchange (WP7). Planned conference will bring together the academic scientists, researchers, scholars and policy makers to share ideas, in order to present findings and discuss the professional issues relevant to sustainable university governance in the region and the enhancement of university autonomy in long-term.

Project Activites