EHG Group
Environment and Health Group
The Environment and Health Group (EHG) was founded in 21 November 2005 in frame of South East European University Tetovo, with the aim to provide organizational and development activities, science research and to promote and strengthen awareness and partnerships for protecting and improving the environment and health in regional and global level. Our contribution consists in progressing environmental and health issues provide and develop program studies with adequate literature, good conditions for science-research activities, promote environment and health through public awareness, maintain the library with literature permanently and increase our level of impact and professionality through partnerships and corporations with regional and international institutions and organization.
Air Quality Monitoring
The research on Air Quality monitoring aims to find methods, techniques and other tools to measure and monitor air quality and evaluate emissions from various sources that contribute to the nation’s remaining air quality challenges. The research is advancing the ability to determine the composition of sources of air pollution, conduct exposure assessments, improve monitoring capabilities and support public health research, among other applications. Expanding our knowledge of the sources of air pollutants, how pollutants are transported through the environment, and how people and ecosystems are exposed is leading to more effective and targeted air quality management solutions.
Climate Change Considerations in Spatial Planning
Climate change is one of the greatest threats and challenges that humankind is facing today, undermining sustainable development. The role of spatial planning is critical in facilitating climate change management; hence, it should be properly utilized especially in developing countries which are particularly vulnerable to related risks and impacts due to poorer coping capacities. This research aims to assess the existing spatial planning and climate change nexus (including related legal framework, documents and practices) in Western Balkans, to identify gaps hindering progress in climate change management (both mitigation and adaptation), and to provide recommendations towards mainstreaming climate change considerations into spatial planning policies based in risk-informed development towards the country’s accelerated progress in reaching sustainability, building resilience, and lowering carbon footprint.
Power Quality Monitoring in Low Voltage Networks
The efficient use of electric energy imposes the need for the introduction of efficient mechanisms for the optimal use of available electric energy. This research topic will propose a virtual instrument for power quality monitoring based on the NI LabVIEW™ platform with simultaneous measurements of electrical voltages and currents, and present the measurement of the influence of new technology household appliances on the power quality. The virtual instrument-power analyzer will enable accurate and versatile measurement of power characteristics in non-sinusoidal conditions, as well as use of different advanced mathematical models.