At the South East European University was held a roundtable on the topic France’s soft power in the Western Balkans, organized by the Scientific Institute Max Van der Stoel MVDSI and the SEEU International Cooperation Office. In this roundtable, which was also attended by the Ambassador of France in Skopje, H.E. Cyrille Baumgartner, it was promoted the launch of a joint project between SEEU MVDSI and the Universite de Franche Comte (UFC) of France entitled “Esplorado”.

The South East European University remains a model of a multilingual, liberal university with equidistance policy to all and with the flexible use of languages and this attribute makes our University special. There is no more ideal place than universities, and in this case with more ideal opportunities than SEEU, where topic as such of this roundtable can be addressed, said in his keynote address, Rector Acad. Prof. Dr. Abdylmenaf Bexheti, who also thanked Ambassador Baumgarten and the French institutions for choosing our University for the realization of this project.

Rector Bexheti said that during the previous meeting with Ambassador Baumgartner, they reviewed the possibilities of cooperation, where together they concluded that cooperation between SEEU and French universities can be realized in three components, namely: academic cooperation, in the development of interdisciplinary curricula between social sciences and technical ones; advancement of scientific research, where here the MVDS Institute unites the faculty of social sciences and the technical one in the development of joint research and the third component is the social impact of the University.

H.E. Cyrille Baumgartner, in his address said that after Skopje, in the center of cooperation is Tetova and within this partnership South East European University is ranked very high in the list of cooperation for the French Alliance in Tetova and the Embassy of France.

At this roundtable, with their speeches were presented, Leila Lankarani, UFC (online), Gordan Georgiev, Forum for Reasonable Policies, Ardita Abazi, European Policy Institute, Bujar Luma, NGO “Loja”, Frederic Spagnoli, UFC and Albulenë Halili, MVDSI-SEEU.

The roundtable was moderated by the Director of MVSDI- Prof. Dr. Veli Kreci, Frederic Spagnoli, from UFC and Bujar Sinani, head of the International Cooperation Office.


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