The “Max van der Stoel” Institute wins the Horizon 2020 project for payment systems with Blockchain technology
South East European University (SEEU), respectively the Max van der Stoel Institute (Max van der Stoel Institute ) is the winner of the prestigious Open Call from the Horizon 2020 Fed4Fire+ project. In this very competitive call 34 proposals were submitted by leading EU universities and industrial SMEs. We are proud that the evaluation and selection committee awarded the MVDSI proposal for funding along with three other proposals (…/discover-the-9th-open-call…/ ).
The topic of the project addresses the problem of payment systems, using blockchain technology as an intermediary (as a substitute for banks). In fact the proposed system (and which has been implemented), should now be tested on real (wireless) devices in Antwerp, Belgium and Dublin, Ireland.
The aim of the Max van der Stoel Institute is to build capacities by hiring established researchers with international experience and engaging as many students as possible in projects, especially in master’s and doctoral studies.
Project implementation starts in November 2021 this year and will end in July 2022.
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