On March 21-22, 2024, Max van der Stoel Institute (MVDSI) at the South East European University (SEEU) hosted students and their mentors from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS).
The study visit to the Balkans is a part of one week immersion course on Nationalism and the Formation of New States in the Balkans within the MIIS course study program providing students first hand experience on the social, political and economic dynamics in the region.
During their stay at SEEU students were able to meet with the faculty members, researchers of the MVDSI and attended an interactive panel by local speakers discussing themes related to the course topic.
This study visit was designed and led in close collaboration among three faculty members, all of whom are Fulbrighters. Drs. Anne Campbell and Phil Murphy from the Middlebury Institute, alongside Dr. Veli Kreci from the Max van der Stoel Institute at SEEU.
MVDSI is strongly committed to further collaboration with US universities through scholarly and student exchanges while building stronger institutional partnerships.