
Bridging Integrity in Higher Education, Business, and Society

The BRIDGE project, funded by Erasmus+, aims to bridge the gap between academic integrity, research integrity, integrity in business, and integrity in society. The project spans three years from 2020 to 2023 and focuses on early career researchers, including master and PhD students, and their supervisors.

The project’s first step involves analyzing relevant studies in the areas of integrity and consolidating examples of good practices. The goal is to create a broader understanding of the interconnected aspects of integrity in these fields.

The second step aims to bridge academic and research integrity by developing checklists, open educational resources, and training opportunities for early career researchers and their supervisors. These resources may include gamified elements to enhance engagement and learning.

The project’s innovative potential lies in promoting integrity-enabled cooperation between universities and businesses. It aims to provide integrity skills to students as future employees and partners through collaborative efforts between academia and industry.

The third output of the project will provide guidelines for integrity in research and business collaboration, along with open educational resources and training for master’s and PhD students and their supervisors.

The fourth goal is to establish a bridge between academic integrity and society by incorporating citizen science (CS). Citizen science involves involving citizens in various stages of research under the supervision of scientists. Early career researchers will acquire transferable skills to make a societal impact, requiring a reevaluation of academic and research integrity, including research conduct and dissemination.

To address these challenges, guidelines for ethical citizen science will be developed, followed by training for early career researchers and supervisors. The training will also be open to other members of academia interested in understanding citizen science and the reconsideration of academic integrity.

Start: 01.09.2020

End: 31.08.2023

Project Reference: 2020-1-SE01-KA203-077973

EU Grant: 397 907 EUR

Programme:  Erasmus+

Key Action:  Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Action Type:  Strategic Partnerships for higher education

Coordinator: Uppsala University

Partners: South East European University (Northern Macedonia), Mendel University (Brno, Czech Republic), Kherson National Technical University (Ukraine), Lithuanian Center for Social Research (Lithuania), Office of the Ombudsman for Academic Ethics and Procedures of the Republic of Lithuania (Lithuania)

SEEU contact person: Veli Kreci

Other staff engaged: Hajrulla Hajrullai (LCC), Besa Arifi (Rectorate, Law Faculty)

SEEU staff research profile #academicintegrity #research #citizenscience #researchintegrity #ethicsinbusiness  

Project webpage:

Project outputs

1. The analysis of good practices in partner countries Reports the relationships between academic integrity and research integrity, business and society

2. Checklists and open educational materials including gamified cases to bridge academic and research integrity

3. Guidelines and open educational materials including gamified cases aimed at bridging academic integrity, research integrity and integrity in business

4. Guidelines and open educational materials including gamified cases bridging academic integrity and citizen science ethics

5. Open educational resources: flexible game-based modules based on gamified cases developed within 02-04. Workshops, webinars

BRIDGE Guidelines


BRIDGE Vignettes

BRIDGE Project Educational Modules

Project Activites