
SEE U Students 5.0: Media and Information Literacy in the Age of Disinformation

Short Info:  This project proposes to develop and enhance media and information literacy skills among South East European University students through formal education, hence introducing Media and Information Literacy as an elective course for students of all faculties at South East European University.

The aim of the proposed project is creating students resilient to fake news, disinformation and misinformation campaigns used mainly by malign actors towards a vulnerable country such as North Macedonia. Media literacy and information skills are vital for future professionals and decision makers. Those competencies including critical thinking are crucial for creating future citizens that would be active actors in a democratic and resilient society and in a country where all citizens and institutions would be accountable to the same laws.

The project will facilitate the creation of a new elective course and will increase the impact on media education both at the university and in society. South East European University has a highly adaptable and transformative nature towards new trends, and the academic and research infrastructure of the university are a proof of success which has been generated through years. This project within SEEU will demonstrate that the university is always open for innovation and excellence.

Start: 1 June 2022

End: 31 March 2023

Programme: USAID’s Media Literacy Project YouThink 

Coordinator: South East European University

Partners: South East European UniversityICSIREX 

Project coordinator: Albulena Halili

Staff egaged: Demush Bajrami, Edlira Palloshi, Shemsedin Ibrahimi.

Project activities

Grant awarding ceremony

June 2022, Skopje

First project workshop

September 2022, SEEU

Meeting with the grantees

December 2022, IREX

Second project workshop

December 2022, MVDSI

Third project workshop

March 2023, MVDSI