The second workshop of the project ‘SEEU students 5.0: Media and Information Literacy in the Age of Disinformation’ was held at Max van der Stoel Institute (MVDSI), South East European University. This project aims to develop and enhance media literacy and information skills among South East European University students through formal education, hence introducing Media and Information Literacy as an elective course for students of every faculty at South East European University.

During the workshop, Albulena Halili, project coordinator and Head of Media Literacy and Disinformation Research Cluster presented the needs assessment report prepared by the project team, and talked about the future steps of the project. Demush Bajrami, Dean of the Faculty of Languages, Cultures and Communication presented the course design and the proposed course content. 

Next project activity foresees the preparation of the pedagogical materials. In order to implement this activity expert working groups will work together with the project team to prepare and develop pedagogical materials. The pedagogical material will be produced in the three official languages of the SEEU: Albanian, Macedonian and English.

‘SEEU students 5.0’ is part of a bigger project – YouThink which is funded by USAID and implemented by IREX and the Institute for Communication Studies.

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