Our student Lenart Ibraimi successfully defended his master thesis “Participatory Air Pollution Monitoring System Using Portable Low-cost Sensors” at South East European University on February 15, 2023.

The examination committee announced its unanimous verdict same day, saying that he had passed successfully. Lenart’s work was carried out at Max van der Stoel Institute (DSG group) as part of the project “Assessing the Nexus Between Air Pollution and Human Mobility in the City of Tetova” supported by the University of Birmingham.

The goal of the thesis was to develop a distributed IoT-based monitoring system for air pollution in the city of Tetova, with the use of the latest IoT and machine learning technologies. The IoT platform is based upon the idea of “crowdsourcing” where citizens collect and contribute air pollution data obtained from low-cost sensors.

Congratulations on your master degree Lenart ! We wish you best of luck in all your future endeavours, wherever these may take you!

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