South East European University is a participant in the new Erasmus+ project.
The project is entitled: Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching – or MAGNET – the illustrative acronym used for the project. The SEEU team was represented by Language Center academic staff and the MVDSI research and administrative staff at the kick-off meeting which took place in Alexandropoulos , Greece, between February 16th -February 18th , 2023.
MAGNET project aims to develop a network for University Pedagogy in the West Balkans and beyond, through know-how transfer from countries that have CTLs under operation to all partner countries. Main objectives include the know-how transfer, the foundation of CTLs, the production of educational material and the creation of a sustainable network titled BalkanNetUP (Balkan Network for University Pedagogy).
Project deliverables and objectives were presented during the meeting, including the ways of disseminating participant institutions expertise, knowledge and experiences through a sustainable network online BalkaNetUP, envisioned as one of the project outcomes, which will be followed by forming teaching and learning centers (TCL) and massive open online courses (MOOC).
The ultimate aim of the project is to build and improve upon existing University pedagogy , with emphasis on pedagogical development of University academic staff with diverse educational background.