On April 3rd, at the invitation of Professor Dr. Liljana Siljanovska, Edlira Palloshi Disha, a researcher and member of the Media Literacy & Disinformation (MeDisInfo) Research Cluster at Max van Der Stoel Institute (MVDSI), delivered a guest lecture to students of the International Communication Program within the Faculty of Languages, Cultures, and Communication, as part of the “Media and Culture Policy in the European Union” course taught by Professor Siljanovska.

During her guest lecture, she emphasized the pivotal role of MeDisInfo activities in raising awareness about malign influences in the information space and efforts to counter disinformation, with the ultimate goal of societal resilience. Disha’s presentation outlined all the steps and activities of the ‘SEE U Students 5.0: Media and Information Literacy in the Age of Disinformation‘, as part of USAID’s Media Literacy Project YouThink, IREX. This initiative aims to introduce Media and Information Literacy as an elective course for students across all faculties at South East European University. 

Throughout the discussion, students were encouraged to engage in the MeDisInfo research group activities and take part in initiatives relevant to the topic. This emphasized the considerable need and importance of their involvement, as it contributes significantly to the collective effort in combating malign influences.

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